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Friday, December 12, 2008
Redecorae Your Web Site To Increase Sales
Red - love, excitement, warmth
Pink - romantic, affection, sensuality
White - purity, peace, perfection
Blue - sky, water, travel, freedom, truth
Purple - royalty, dignity
Black - space, night, authority
Green - money, calm, envy, greed
Yellow - light, purity, understanding
Orange - autumn, youthfulness, fire
Brown - wood, comfort, strength
Its very important to know which emotions or symbolizations will trigger your target audience to buy your product orservice. If your selling a money-making product you should use green colors to represent money or bring out the emotion of greed. People also associate comfort and travel with money so you maybe want ad in some brown and blue colors on your web site.
The same principle can be applied to graphics or picturesof your product on your web site. Package your products with colors that will trigger your audience to buy. If your selling a book about how to be more romantic, use red and pink colors on the cover. I hope these simple website color techniques will increase your business's sales.
Quote of the Day:
"It is the character of a brave and resolute man not to be ruffled by adversity and not to desert his post." -- Cicero
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this,:
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Monday, November 24, 2008
Psychologial Desires To Insert Into Your Ad
1. Most people like surprises because it's a changeof pace from their routine. Tell your prospectsthat they'll get a surprise free bonus for ordering.
2. Most people want life to be easier. Give yourprospects easy ordering instructions, easy productinstructions, etc.
3. Most people want to feel secure and safe. Tellyour prospects that you have secure ordering and aprivacy policy.
4. Most people want to receive compliments fortheir achievements. Give your prospects plenty ofcompliments for them considering your product.
5. Most people are curious about things that couldaffect their current lifestyle. You could use wordslike "Secret" or "Confidential" in your ad.
6. Most people want to invest in their future. Tellyour prospects to "invest in your product" insteadof "buy our product".
7. Most people want the latest and newest thingsin life. Use words and phrases in your ad copy like"New", "Just Released", etc.
8. Most people want to solve their problems. Tellyour prospects what problems they have and howyour product can solve them.
9. Most people want to make the people aroundthem happy. Tell your prospects how happy theirfriends or family will be if they buy your product.
10. Most people want to get over obstacles so theycan achieve their goals. Tell your prospects whichgoals they'll achieve by ordering your product.
Quote of the Day:
"Nothing is unthinkable, nothing impossible to the balancedperson, provided it comes out of the needs of life and isdedicated to life's further development." -- Lewis Mumford
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this, :
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Top Google Ranking
All the best,Briley
Friday, November 07, 2008
Us Economy Got You Spooked
Have last week's developments with the US economy got you
feeling spooked?
I don't blame you! What with the country's second-largest
bank collapse PLUS a government bailout of Fannie Mae AND
Freddie Mac happening in the same WEEK, it's hard to
know what to expect next!
If you're like the other small business owners I know,
I'm willing to bet that, right this minute, you're on the
fence about whether you should continue to invest in
the tools and help you need to start your Internet
business... or whether it's better to save your cash
until things stabilize a bit.
And that's actually why I'm firing off this hasty email...
... because I've just learned about a way you can do
BOTH, as long as you act right away!
A few months ago, Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl
unleashed a powerful business-building system that
gives you all the tools and assistance you need to
start a completely automated, hands-free Internet
business from SCRATCH, including the website, a
salesletter, an online payment system, endless streams
of traffic, and help getting it all set up.
He named it "BeBiz," and since its release, it's gone
on to become the most simple yet comprehensive way for
"newbies" to go from zero to online profits in as
short a time span as possible (often in as little as
5 days!).
Well, just moments ago, Derek informed me and a few
of his other close associates that, in order to give
as many people as possible a leg up during this
volatile economy, he's going to WAIVE the entire
$177 BeBiz start-up fee for new members!
Unfortunately, there's a catch...
Due to the amount of money he could potentially lose
with this offer, he can only make it available to the
next 200 people who get in touch with him...
... so I urge you to follow this link contact him right
Trust me: you do NOT want to let this opportunity pass
you by!
Where ELSE will you get a professional-looking sales
website that could have you earning profits by this
time next month (along with an Internet marketing genius
looking over your shoulder and guiding you as you
set it up)?
Best wishes for your business,
P.S. During the initial BeBiz launch, Derek made 250
spots available, and they were all snapped up in mere
hours -- and that was WITH the regular $177 start-up
fee -- so you can just imagine how fast these 200 spots
with NO start-up fees are going to go.
Don't miss out:
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Change of life in USA
Monday, October 20, 2008
18 Reason To Wire An E-book And Then Give It Away For Free
Then Give It Away For Free
1. People will visit your web site to get the free valuable
2. Advertise your products or services in the e-book.
3. You will become known as an expert on the subject
of the e-book.
4. Offer the e-book as a free bonus for purchasing one of
your products or services.
5. Allow other people give away the e-book to increase
visitors to your web site.
6. Gain new leads by having people sign up and give their
contact information before they can download your e-book.
7. The word "FREE" is the most appealing word on the
8. Conduct market research asking people to fill out a
survey before getting the e-book.
9. Make money selling advertising space in the e-book.
10. Give away the e-book as a special gift to your current
customers letting them know you appreciate their business.
11. Gain free advertising by submitting the e-book on
freebie sites.
12. Make money selling the reprint rights to people who
would like to sell the e-book.
13. You'll gain valuable referrals from people telling others
about your e-book.
14. Make money cross promoting the e-book as a free
bonus with other people's products or services.
15. Gain free publicity sending press releases announcing
your ''Free E-book Giveaway.''
16. Increase subscribers to your e-zine by giving away the
e-book as an incentive to subscribe.
17. Give away the e-book to people that join your affiliate
18. The biggest reason you should write an e-book and
then give it away for free: you'll feel good helping people
improve their lives.
Quote of the Day:
"It is not every calamity that is a curse, and early
adversity is often a blessing. Surmounted difficulties not
only teach, but hearten us in our future struggles." --
James Sharp
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this,
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Free help overcoming your #1 barrier to money online
To get it, all you need to do is visit Internet marketing
guru Derek Gehl's live survey, and share your BIGGEST challenge.
Derek's been FLOODED with 1,000s of submissions! Was yours one of them?
If not, why not?!
This is your opportunity to have Derek help you overcome your #1
success-killing obstacle for free! He's going to review all the
submissions, and then provide a TON of FREE training and help to
as many people as *possible*.
Heck, he's even going to bribe you with a free gift to get you
to participate!
So if you haven't responded yet, you're either...
*Already* massively successful and don't NEED any help.
(If so, well done, and keep up the good work!)
Or you're afraid to face your challenge head-on, and will
continue to struggle with poor results.
*Whatever* the reason, if you still want Derek to help you
succeed -- for FREE -- just go to his survey, at:
When you get there, spend a few minutes reading the other
I bet you'll be shocked to see how many OTHER people are facing
the SAME challenges you are! You're not alone...
All the best,
P.S. Last I heard, Derek was thinking about shutting down the
live survey in the next couple of hours, due to the overwhelming
number of submissions he's getting. So if you want his help,
you need to submit your #1 barrier to success right away:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Internet Succcess Case Study
your life?
Sure, it'd be great, but it probably wouldn't have a huge impact
on your mortgage, retirement savings, orthodontist bills, kids'
college fund, or the piles of bills that are cluttering up your
desk, right?
But what if you could earn that $900 a month by working just
5-8 hours?
And what if, by using the same strategies you used to make
that first $900, you could quickly start to DOUBLE it... and
double it again... and again...
... until you're making potentially thousands a month. Does
*that* change the picture?
I was just reading a case study on Derek Gehl's website about
a 15-year-old girl who's actually doing this: making $900 a
month on the Internet while working no more than 8 hours. obviously has NO business training or experience, and at
just 15, she's clearly pretty short on "life" experience, too,
but still, she's given up babysitting for good, thanks to the
success she's having with her website.
And while she's not exactly getting wealthy (yet!), she's
using the exact SAME strategies that hundreds of other
successful Internet entrepreneurs have used to make MUCH more
(sometimes millions of dollars) with their own Internet
I really recommend you check out her case study on Derek's
In it, he actually walks you through the exact, step-by-step
system she, and thousands of his other clients, are using to
achieve these remarkable results with their Internet businesses.
To read the case study, just follow this link:
P.S. When you read the case study, Derek will give you permission
to use the profit generating strategies it reveals yourself for
30 days, to see if they'll work for YOU, too...
... so make sure you check it out right away!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Free Video Training about EBay
I just received another one of those so-called "free" report
offers in my email. Something about multiplying my income...
blowing away my competition... yadda yadda...
So like a fool, I go check out the report, and it's nothing but
a barely concealed sales pitch for some lame new product that
I'm not even interested in!
Worst thing?
There wasn't one *bit* of USEFUL information in the report at all!
I mean, give me a break! How many more of these lame "free"
offers are we going to have to put up with? It's like everybody
and his or her dog is putting out this useless garbage.
The industry is FLOODED with them!
Trust me: this is NOT how you do FREE (unless, of course, your
goal is to anger or alienate your customers and subscribers, and
KILL your chances of developing a strong relationship with them).
And here's the thing... if these jokers understood how to REALLY
do free, their customers and subscribers would see them as heroes,
rather than dummies.
Case in point?
Derek Gehl recently released a set of FREE videos that provide
a TON of value, with real, step-by-step information that ANYONE
can follow to make SERIOUS profits on the Internet (potentially
thousands of dollars a MONTH), even if you don't have website!
These videos are about getting started on eBay, and they're FULL
of tested and proven strategies for getting wealthy on eBay that
he and his in-house team of elite mentors spent MONTHS pulling
I watched them, and was really impressed by their content.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they're revealing profit
secrets in these videos that even the top sellers on eBay don't
know about!
And if you read the marketing blogs, you'll see that people are
LOVING them!
Everyone's raving about how USEFUL the videos are, and how
grateful they are to Derek for giving them such a great head-start
to making a solid income online.
Now THAT'S how you do free!
I won't show you the example of the CRUMMY free offer (to protect
the guilty), but I *will* show you Derek's videos. They're worth
taking a look at:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
Mr. Sammler's Planet By Saul Bellow
Mr. Artur Sammler is above all a man who has lasted, from the civilized pleasures of England in the twenties and thirties through the war and death camps in Poland. Moving now through the chaotic and dangerous streets of New York's upper West Side, Mr. Sammler is attentive to everything, appalled by nothing. He brings the same disinterested curiosity to the activities of a black pickpocket on an uptown bus, the details of his niece Angela's sex life, and his daughter's lunacy, as to the extraordinary theories of one Dr. V. Govinda Lal on the use we are to make of the moon now that we have reached it.
Primary Category: General Fiction
Price: $23.95
Availability: World English
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Ways To Generate Profitable Business Ideas Anytime
business you need ideas for marketing, advertising, solving
problems, product development etc. The difference between
success or failure could be one just one idea. That's all!
Below are three ways to generate profitable business ideas.
1. Communicating regularly with other business people can
generate many ideas. There are many resources online and
offline to meet new business people lie; seminars, chat
rooms, discussion boards, trade shows etc. Sharing your
knowledge, asking questions, and taking in new information
will stimulate your mind. Your brain will begin to put all this
information together to create profitable business ideas.
2. If you're not much of a communicator, try reading. Reading
can also stimulate your mind. Read business books, magazines,
e-books, web sites, journals, e-zines, newspapers etc. Your
brain will generate profitable ideas by absorbing and
rearranging this information on a regular basis.
3. Don't have a lot of time to read? You could listen to
business audio books, seminars and courses. Listen to
them in the car, while your doing house work, working in
the yard, or exercising. Also, tune in business related radio
stations. This will help you save time and generate
profitable business ideas at the same time.
There are a few extra tips that will help improve these idea
generation strategies. Take short breaks to brainstorm about
the information you absorbed. Keep a notepad and pen
handy to record your ideas so you don't forget them. All
businesses need profitable business ideas to stay ahead of
competition and survive.
Quote of the Day:
"A leaf that is destined to grow large is full of grooves
and wrinkles at the start. Now if one has no patience and
wants it smooth offhand like a willow leaf, there is
trouble ahead." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this,
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Best Start-up Software on the Net Bebiz Try It!!!!
feeling spooked?
I don't blame you! What with the country's second-largest
bank collapse PLUS a government bailout of Fannie Mae AND
Freddie Mac happening in the same WEEK, it's hard to
know what to expect next!
If you're like the other small business owners I know,
I'm willing to bet that, right this minute, you're on the
fence about whether you should continue to invest in
the tools and help you need to start your Internet
business... or whether it's better to save your cash
until things stabilize a bit.
And that's actually why I'm firing off this hasty email...
... because I've just learned about a way you can do
BOTH, as long as you act right away!
A few months ago, Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl
unleashed a powerful business-building system that
gives you all the tools and assistance you need to
start a completely automated, hands-free Internet
business from SCRATCH, including the website, a
salesletter, an online payment system, endless streams
of traffic, and help getting it all set up.
He named it "BeBiz," and since its release, it's gone
on to become the most simple yet comprehensive way for
"newbies" to go from zero to online profits in as
short a time span as possible (often in as little as
5 days!).
Well, just moments ago, Derek informed me and a few
of his other close associates that, in order to give
as many people as possible a leg up during this
volatile economy, he's going to WAIVE the entire
$177 BeBiz start-up fee for new members!
Unfortunately, there's a catch...
Due to the amount of money he could potentially lose
with this offer, he can only make it available to the
next 200 people who get in touch with him...
... so I urge you to follow this link contact him right
Trust me: you do NOT want to let this opportunity pass
you by!
Where ELSE will you get a professional-looking sales
website that could have you earning profits by this
time next month (along with an Internet marketing genius
looking over your shoulder and guiding you as you
set it up)?
Best wishes for your business,
P.S. During the initial BeBiz launch, Derek made 250
spots available, and they were all snapped up in mere
hours -- and that was WITH the regular $177 start-up
fee -- so you can just imagine how fast these 200 spots
with NO start-up fees are going to go.
Don't miss out:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This one of the best home business opportuinty that I have come across check it out here.
I got a message from him the other day that was pretty vague,
but mentioned something about a revolutionary new training
system that he and his team of experts have been working on.
Now I'm *always* interested in what Derek is up to, so I called
my "mole" at his company (yep, I know someone who works
for Derek, and occasionally I call him for extra insight. Shhh! ;-)
My mole told me that Derek had a couple of his experts holed
up with him in their video training center for WEEKS, where
they've been busy creating an extremely comprehensive, step-
by-step video training system.
And the best part?
This new series is based on BeBiz, the business building system
that helps you create a completely automated, hands-free Internet
business, including a professional-looking website, a top-quality
salesletter, and a payment system that sends profits straight to
your inbox.
(Just so you know, my mole mentioned that, at a recent company-
wide meeting, Derek revealed that BeBiz has become their MOST
successful system EVER!)
What else did I learn?
Well, it seems Derek's ALSO planning to include FREE use of the BeBiz
software with this new training system...
... and he's even throwing in THREE months of FREE one-on-one
consultations with his team of marketing experts.
Unfortunately, I couldn't squeeze the price for this new video
system out of my mole, but really, it sounds like a few thousand
dollars worth of value to me!
I'm *definitely* going to sign up for his launch so I can find out
more, and if you need help building a successful business, I suggest
you do the same. Just follow this link:
All the best...
Friday, June 06, 2008
16 Thing To Check Before Joining Someone Else's "Pay Per Sale" Affiliate Program
without buying the product or service?
2. Contact other affiliates already in the program to see if
they have had any problems.
3. Is the product or service related to your target audience?
4. Can they notify you by e-mail when a sale is made?
5. Do they offer backend products so you can get repeat sales
from the same person?
6. How often will you receive a commission check?
7. Do you get credited for a sale if people come back in month
and then make a purchase.
8. Can you get around-the-clock help online or offline?
9. Do you get a large percentage of each sale as commission?
10. Do they provide you with proven sales material? (links,
banners, classified ads, sales letters etc)
11. Will they give you the leeway to create promotional ads.
12. Do they offer you access to an online sales stats page?
13. Do they use a reputable system to track your sales?
14. Does the affiliate program pay commission for sales of
people who sign up under you?
15. Can they offer customers a lot of different ordering
options, so in return you won't lose sales.
16. Will they keep in contact with you on a regular basis by
Quote of the Day:
"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too
greedy, or too impatient. To dig for treasures shows not
only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience,
patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and
faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a
beach--waiting for a gift from the sea." -- Anne Morrow
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this,
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Thursday, May 15, 2008
10 Ways To Indirectly Get To The Top Of Search Engines
the top 20 spots of the major search engines. That
amounts to a lot of competition! I say if you can't
get listed at the top, indirectly get to the top.
How do you do this? Look up the top 20 web sites
on the major search engines under the keywords and
phrases people would find your web site. The key
would be to then advertise on those web sites.
The most expensive way would be to buy ad space
on those web sites. If you don't want to spend any
money, you could use the ten strategies below.
These strategies may not apply to every web site.
1. Participate on their discussion boards. You could
post questions, answer other peoples questions, and
join in on conversations. Just include your signature
file and link at the end of your messages.
2. Ask the web site owner if they would like a free
ebook to giveaway to their visitors. You could have
them link to your web site or include your ad in the
free ebook.
3. Submit content to their web site. You could write
articles for their web site and include your resource
box and link at the end of the article. If they publish
it, you'll indirectly be at the top of the search engines.
4. Write an excellent article review of their web site,
products or services. Then publish the review on your
web site. E-mail the web site owner and tell him or
her about it. They may link to your web site so their
visitors read it.
5. Ask the owner of the web site if they would want
to trade advertising. If you don't get as much traffic
as they do, you could throw in some extra incentives.
6. Propose a cross promotion deal with the web site.
You both could promote each others products or
services together in one package deal. This means a
mention and link back to your web site.
7. Give the web site a testimonial for their product or
service. Include a little text link for your web site with
the testimonial. You never know; it could end up on
their ad copy.
8. Post your advertisement on their free classified ad
section on their web site. You want to be sure you
have an attractive headline so they will read your ad.
9. Post your text link on their free-for-all links page.
You want to go back and post your link regularly so
it stays towards the top.
10. Sign their guest books. You could leave a short
compliment about their web site on their guest book.
Just include your signature file and link at the end of
your message.
Quote of the Day:
"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the
truth which men prefer not to hear." -- Herbert Agar, in A
Time for Greatness
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this,
It really works!
P.S. These are some of the technique you could use to get to the Top of search engines. Post a Comment and let me know what you thnk.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Learn How To Make Income on The Internet This Club
people keep getting MORE successful because of "who" they know,
not necessarily "what" they know, you'd be right...
... I know from personal experience that making "the right
connections" with "the right people" can snowball your income
and Internet business success in ways most people can only
dream about!
Unfortunately, most clubs where you can network with "the
right people" won't let you inside unless you're ALREADY
successful and well-connected.
And most clubs that DO welcome the "average" business owner
are a waste of your time. (Because, let's be honest... you're
all struggling with the same problems!)
Early in my business, I was fortunate enough to make a few
"right" connections.
It was really a one-in-a-million break for me.
Now, I'd like to offer a few of my subscribers this same good
To find out how I'm doing this, visit:
And if you have questions, please email or call 1-800-595-9855.
I look forward to seeing you on the "inside"...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
10 Ways To Greate A Popular Online Community
1. Tell your visitors that you post a new, free offerevery day, week or month in your online community.The free offers should be attractive to your targetaudience.
2. Regularly schedule experts or famous guests toparticipate in your online community. You coulddesign it to be a virtual class or a question/answersession.
3. Post testimonials on your web site from peoplethat have participated in your online community.The testimonials could be about what people havelearned or liked while participating in it.
4. Don't allow blatant ads in your online communities.If people decide to visit your online community andsee a ton of ads they most likely won't be back.
5. Post all the benefits of participating in your onlinecommunity on your web site. You could write it likeyou're writing an ad for a product you're selling.
6. Submit your chat room, e-mail discussion list ordiscussion board to online community directories.You can find them by typing " the community type"with the word "directory" in any search engine.
. Create an e-zine just for people who participatein your online community. Allow them to subscribefor free. When they receive each issue, it will remindthem to come back and participate in your community.
8. You (the owner of the online community) shouldparticipate regularly. Post information that will benefitthe other people. This will show them you care aboutyour online community members.
9. Have plenty of people to monitor your onlinecommunity. They could remove postings that turnaway people like profanity, spam and other off-subject postings.
10. Your online community should contain userfriendly features, like a search option for archiveddiscussions, easy posting or chatting options, emailupdates or digests, etc.
Quote of the Day:"If I can line up the people who, back through the ages,have gone at life in ways I greatly admire, then I can feeltheir strength supporting me, all their standards andvalues pointing the way in which I am to go." -- Bonaro W.Overstreet
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this:
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.No Large outlay.PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.For further information please visit:-
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Your Free Gift-A 4-day Video Course
I've never heard of anything like it...
Derek Gehl just got challenged by some angry blog
reader to PROVE it's possible to start a money-
making online business in ONE WEEK OR LESS.
... And Derek accepted the guy's challenge!
How's he going to prove you can build a profitable
business in such a short time?
Simple: He's going to do it himself -- on camera!
Yep, that's right...
... Derek is going to start a brand-new business
100% from scratch in less than ONE WEEK -- and
he's going to film the entire process and turn it
into a FREE video course, so you can see how easily
it can be done!
Derek will release the complete "X-Treme Challenge"
video course over a four-day period: April 21-24th.
These videos will be absolutely FREE, but will only
be made available to people who sign up for Derek's
notification list.
So if you want to learn how to build a money-making
online business in ONE WEEK OR LESS, then I urge
you to go to:
All the best,
P.S. Make sure you set aside at least one hour each day
on April 21-24th, so you can watch Derek's FREE training
videos and implement the lessons you learn right away.
... Who knows? You could be making good money online by
the 1st week in May!
Click here to learn more:
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
10 Sure-Fire Phrases That Will Increase Your Traffic
bookmark your web site. They may see your web site
listed in their bookmarks and visit again. You should
also give then a good reason to bookmark your site.
For example tell them you add new content everyday.
2 "Subscribe To Our Free E-zine" Tell your visitors to
subscribe to your e-zine. When they subscribe you'll
capture their e-mail address. Every time they read
your e-zine, it will remind them to return to your site.
3. "Participate On Our Discussion Board" Ask your
visitors to participate on your online discussion board.
By participating they will meet other people. By
meeting other people, they will revisit your web site
on a regular basis to stay in contact with them.
4. "Sign Our Guestbook" Ask your visitors to sign your
guest book. When people sign your guestbook you may
get valuable feedback or constructive criticism on how
to improve your web site. This may help you increase
traffic to your web site.
5. "Use Our Free Content On Your Site Or In Your
E-zine" Allow your visitors to use your articles on
their own web site or in their e-zine. Just ask them to
include your resource box. This will spread your
advertising all over the internet.
6. "Refer This Our Web Site To A Friend" Ask your
visitors to refer your web site to a friend(s). They may
know someone that would benefit from visiting your
web site.
7. "Fill Out Our Online Survey" Ask visitors to fill out
your online survey or questionnaire. You could use it
to get valuable feedback on ways to improve your web
site to increase traffic.
8. "Enter Our Contests" Ask your visitors to enter your
online contest or sweepstakes. People love to win stuff,
and they will visit your web site to try.
9. "Give Away Our Freebie To Your Visitors" Allow
your visitors to give away your online freebies to people
that visit your web site. Include your ad on the freebie
and those freebies will multiply your traffic.
10 "Join Our Affiliate Program" Allow your visitors to
make money selling your products or services. This
will increase your traffic because they will link to your
web site.
Quote of the Day:
"You are to gather up the joys and sorrows, the struggles,
the beauty, love, dreams and hopes of every hour that they
may be consecrated at the altar of daily life." -- MacRina
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try This:
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
10 Sizzling Ways To Ignite Your Profits
your business on the internet. When they see your
slogan or logo it will remind them of your business.
2. Multiply your marketing all over the internet by
creating free bonuses for other business' products.
You just include your ad somewhere on the bonus.
3. Offer to buy advertising space inside electronic
products like ebooks, software, subscription sites,
etc. It will be cheaper than print insert ads.
4. Increase your sales by adjusting your product
or service to attract other target audiences. This
may mean redesigning or adding on to it.
5. Test the prices of your product or service. You
may increase the perceived value by raising your
price and a lower price may decrease your sales.
6. Use your product's features to support all of your
benefits. Just because benefits are more important,
don't forget to list the features.
7. Market yourself or business as an expert. Most
people have been told throughout their life to trust
and respect the authoritative figures in society.
8. Train yourself and your employees to be polite
to all your customers, even if they're shouting Solve
their problem quickly and it may even turn into a sale.
9. Give your visitors a good impression when they
first visit your web site. Don't make the first thing
they see at the top of your home page a banner ad.
10. Join online business associations. Most will give
you a membership graphic to put on your web site
which will give your business extra credibility.
Quote of the Day:
"Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of
poverty, sickness and captivity would, without this
comfort, be insupportable." -- Samuel Johnson
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this,
It really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Put the Champagne on Ice For This Program
Imagine... popping the champagne cork as the first sales
come pouring into your just-launched Internet business.
That's the dream that so many so-called "Internet gurus"
are selling, isn't it? (Meanwhile, all they REALLY give you
is a bunch of empty promises and overblown hype!)
... Well, one Internet genius has finally made good on his
word and created an Internet start-up system that actually
DELIVERS on its promises!
You can check it out here:
What you'll discover is an Internet business builder that
removes absolutely every barrier standing between you and
your own money-making business.
-- It gives you all the tools you need to find your
profitable niche.
-- It gives you your own unique website, all the graphics
you need, a full "contact management system," AND a full
salescopy wizard.
-- It even integrates your credit card processing and email
marketing tools for you... all automatically!
... All YOU have to do is add your product and start selling!
(And get this... it's being offered for less than 1/10th of
what most "gurus" charge for products that don't help at ALL.)
So if you want to get your hands on the easiest, most complete
Internet start-up system ever created, go to:
This is your chance to experience your own "miracle moment"
-- when you finally launch your successful business and see
those first sales come pouring in!
P.S. When I last checked, there were only 75 copies of this
system left -- so if you're serious about your business, you
need to act now:
Friday, March 07, 2008
Try an Audiobook
Try An Audiobook here
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Test for Stemcell transplant
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
10 Mind Altering Words That Make People Buy
results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays,
we usually value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad. People
want to be assured they are not risking their hard
earned money buying your product.
3. Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want
to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare
because they are considered to be more valuable.
4. Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad. People
want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use,
easy payments, etc.
5. Use the word "testimonial" in your ad. People
want to see believable proof before they buy your
product. It should be reputable and specific proof.
6. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad. People
want to find bargains. They could be rebates, one
time sales, percentage offers, get one free offers, etc.
7. Use the word "free" in your ad. People want free
incentives before they do business with you. They
could be free books, accessories, services, etc.
8. Use the word "you/your" in your ad. People want
to know that you are talking them. This'll make them
feel important and attract them to read the whole ad.
9. Use the word "important" in your ad. People do
not want to miss important information that could
effect their life. People will stop and take notice.
10. Use the word "new" in your ad. People want
new products or services that will improve their life
like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.
Quote of the Day:
"What is wrong with our world is that love is in short
supply." -- Christopher Bryant
Warm regards,
Briley Knox
P.S. Try this, Briley: really works!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Monday, February 04, 2008
Leisure Audio
and I want to share my humble opinion with you today.
This is like nothing I have ever experienced before,
I was shocked to find that is totally unique, never
seen before, and I believe it to be revolutionary,
and I'll explain why.
In my past experience, you join a typical program,
they give you some cheesy promo tools, and they never
say a word to you, they just expect you to go out
and recruit as best you can on your own...
This is totally and utterly different.
First of all, the products rock, there's a huge selection
of topics on virtually any niche you can think of...
all delivered in licenced .wma or Real format, so anyone
with a computer, an iPod, or mp3 player can instantly
enjoy these fine audio books, at their leisure...
Second, you don't have to recruit, to earn nice money, you
can simply sell these real products to real people, and they
will be glad to have them to listen to...
Third, the commissions you can earn, are much higher
than normal, and I really like that.
Fourth, it's so easy to set up a website and dominate
any niche you choose, because the training is so good,
it makes it easy to get started right away.
Fifth, I don't have any of the order filling problems,
of offering a real product, Leisure Audiobooks, has it
handled, for me. Lucky me;~)
With Leisure Audiobooks, I feel at completely at ease
offering anyone hi quality hi fidelity products and
the diversity is astounding! They have over 6000 titles
meticulously sorted into 160 categories in a feature- packed store.
I had no idea know that there are at least 50,000 identifiable
niche markets that can be independently addressed in the search
engines for audio books! I do know now and I am out there selling...
and for the first time it is working!!!
Plus it's a huge relief to have the experts, Rod and Kevin
helping me succeed, I almost feel like I have a huge
"cheat" over everyone else, because I'm a part of a caring
organization, who really coach, and really train, and really
want me, and you, to succeed, no matter what the skill level.
So, I would have to sum it up like this, if you're tired of
an endless line of hype, smoke and mirrors, and you'd like
to gain traction, start making a financial difference in
your family's lifestyle, and have a legitimate, honest, real
way to make money owe it to yourself to check
out Leisure Audio Books.
Don't believe me, I'm a happy member, and of course I'm biased,
so do a check on Rod and Kevin, and I'm sure you'll find the
truth is that they are for real, and these are great products
that virtually sell themselves.
I recommend that you see for yourself - GO RIGHT NOW, and take
in the information presented on the website.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
10 Innovative Ways To Use Your Autoresponder
1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get
an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who
requests information from your autoresponder.
2. Publish a price list of all the products and services
that you offer. You could also include order forms,
product descriptions, and other sales material.
3. Publish free reports in autoresponder format. The
reports should be related to your business or web site.
Giving away free stuff will quickly increase your traffic.
4. Collect vital customer satisfaction information by
publishing a survey in autoresponder format. This type
of information will help you serve them better.
5. Instead of answering every customer question that's
e-mailed to you, publish " Frequently Ask Questions" in
autoresponder format. This will save time and money.
6. You could publish your testimonials or endorsements
in autoresponder format if you don't have the room in
your ad copy. It's more effective to include all of them.
7. Provide back issues of your e-zine archives in auto-
responder format. This will give your subscribers and
web site visitors easy access to them.
8. Publish your entire web site in autoresponder format.
Sometimes visitors don't have enough time read your
entire site. They could print it out and read it offline.
9. You could offer your ebook in autoresponder format.
Your visitors won't have to download it or have the
software to read it right away.
10. You could publish the terms and conditions to any
business transactions in autoresponder format. This
could include return policies, purchases, refunds etc.
Quote of the Day:
"We live by admiration, hope and love." -- William
Briley Knox
P.S. Get an amazing 325 page gift here:
Let me know what you think! :-)
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-
Monday, January 07, 2008
Marketing Strategies That Empower Success
lesson, you`re going to learn how to protect yourself and
your money from ineffective email lists. I`m going to
introduce you to the safe-and-sound distribution techniques
that will ensure that your message is always welcomed into a
recipients` inbox, not his/her Trash Bin.
The Truth About Direct Email & Email Lists
Part 2: What`s Safe
=> Safe Email Marketing
Safe email marketing in the direct marketing/Internet
marketing world is called OPT-IN EMAIL MARKETING. This is
an important term and one you need to commit to memory as a
fundamental building block in successful marketing.
You`ve probably seen ads in trade magazines offering "Opt-in
Email Lists." This is your best bet when conducting a
direct email campaign. Opt-in lists help you identify
people that are "pre-sold" when it comes to receiving offers
in the mail. By opting-in to a list, they let you know that
they`re eager to read about something new and beneficial.
Safe Email Marketing breaks down into these 2 categories:
-Paid Safe Lists
-Opt-In List Rentals
This is a twist on opt-in email marketing where you pay for
the privilege of being able to send email to a list of other
marketers who have done the same. A paid safe list can range
in price from $2 and up.
The advantages: you don`t have to send the emails using your
ISP and you won`t have to worry about spam complaints and
BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL IN AISLE 5: You may be interested to
know that Empowerism offers one of the most comprehensive,
organized, and updated Safelist Directories in existence and
access comes with your subscription. Our subscribers are
VERY happy with it. Visit this site for more details:
This type of list is similar to a standard "specialty"
direct mail list. It`s targeted and aimed at people who are
interested in what you have to offer.
Companies that offer list rentals usually collect millions
of email addresses by advertising well-branded, popular
products and services. Also they may offer no-cost
newsletters and/or contests as a way to capture addresses.
Opt-in list rental companies ask interested people to fill
out a form on their website. The forms gather as much info
as possible, which allows the company to better categorize
their email lists according to preferences by industry:
gardening, bodybuilding, Internet marketing, etc.
Of course you`re going to pay more to rent this type of
list, but you won`t find a better-targeted audience for your
offer. These companies do the mailing for you, so you won`t
have access to the names.
Briley Knox
P.S. It`s no coincidence that Empowerism offers a menu of
superb List Rental Companies like the ones described above
as part of its subscriber services along with the Safelist
Directory. Nine out of ten businesses fail because they
don`t have the right tools or don`t know how to use them.
Empowerism can help you be the #1-in-10 that succeeds!
Subscribe now to take advantage of our turnkey marketing
system and put your business on autopilot then get ready for
nothing but BLUE SKIES.
P.P.S. After you join EMPOWERISM, turn around and sign up for
the Plug-In Profit Site service at:
The Plug-In Profit Site is the turn-key marketing system our
team is using to build an extraordinary residual income working
from home with EMPOWERISM! Let me know if you need any help!
This is a GENUINE Income Opportunity.
No Large outlay.
PLEASE NOTE:This is not a get rich quick scheme that other websites falsely promise you, this is a 100% Genuine Business Opportunity that will, with a little hard work and determination, have the potential to change your life!!
Leisure Audio Books is already making its members four, five and six figure monthly incomes that will continue to come to them month after month, year after year.
There are absolutely no hidden costs, no lies, all you need to succeed is an e-mail address! No money up front - all we ask is - that you take a look and see for yourself.
For further information please visit:-